Thursday, July 2, 2009

For Those About To Rock...

...I Salute You!!!
Here we are friends. The moment has arrived. The 2009 U.S. Open World Martial Arts Championships kicks off tomorrow. Please visit our new site for my sponsor information, and all the info and updates you need to stay in the loop...

Thursday, June 18, 2009

West Orange Times...New Site Address...2 WEEKS TO GO!!!

Thanks to the West Orange Times newspaper for publishing an article about me and this Quest For The U.S. Open. Thanks to everyone who is supporting the Quest...we are almost there...2 WEEKS AWAY!!!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

New Site Address!

Just a reminder...our new site is up at

Please show the love and spread the word!

See you at the U.S. Open in just a few weeks.

Friday, June 5, 2009

New Site Address...

New site here:

Please check it out!One month to go!!!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Happy 30 Days Til The U.S. Open!

Happy 30 Days Til The U.S. Open To You!!!

We are 30 days away and I am soooo excited about this month. It will be difficult to be sure, but this is a dream come true and I am looking forward to this final stretch toward the BIG DAY!!!

In just a couple of days I will be launching a new site to support what we are doing with this Quest, so please stay tuned to that. Everything will still be updated here as well, but our primary site will shift to the new location in the next few days.

If you are new here or haven't caught up on everything yet, here are some things to take a peek at:

Why am I doing this?:

My Coach:

The Event:

Thank you so much for hanging in there with me and encouraging me along the way. We are almost there friends...30 days out. I am feeling good, have overcome injury and obstacles along the way...and am looking forward to some hard work in the next month.

Please plan on attending the event in July. Info is at the event link.

I will keep you updated on the new site developments and as soon as it launches, I will announce it here first!

Talk to you soon...

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Mixing It Up!

This week continues to take me deeper into my mental game. I have continued to peel away layers of distractions and things that demand my attention away from training for the U.S. Open. It is crucial that I be focused, now more than ever.

Later this week I will meet up with a new partner in training for the self-defense portion of the tournament, and then over the weekend, Michael and I will travel South to train with our coach, Lauren Kearney, at her location. I am looking forward to both training sessions, which will be completely out of the norm from what we have been doing. Change is good. We might even try to sneak in a bit of beach time while down there!!!

Can you believe we are already into June?! It's almost time. Thank you for your continued support as we fly further toward accomplishing this dream and high goal that is the U.S. Open World Martial Arts Championships! I would like to invite you and very much encourage you to plan on attending this event...even if you live out of town, or even out of state...this will be well worth a couple of days (or even catch the main event, Night of Champions, on Saturday eve) in Central Florida.

We just wrapped up our morning workout a bit ago...filled up on some good and restorative on to further training of the mental game.

Much more to come throughout the rest of this week...stay tuned!

Monday, June 1, 2009

"Mental" Training and Looking at Values

I spent some time doing quite a bit of "mental" training this weekend in addition to my physical training. As a certified life coach and hypnotist, one of the things I know better is to focus as much if not more on the mental side of daily training. The past couple of weeks, I must admit, I let that slip slightly. So, this weekend I took some time to unpack a lot mentally and zero back in on my mental disciplines. All I can say is clarity of thought and mind feels sooooo much better! It is extremely empowering to live each day with a heightened sense of discernment, insight, and vision.

I would encourage you to focus on your mental game as well.

One of the things I revisited during this time was my personal set of core values. It's good from time to time to open those up and find out where you are on a scale from 1 to 10 with regards to your values and how you can improve during the next season of your life.

I have a set of 10 values that directly speak to and about my life, and that I try to live out each and every day. One of the ten is "Inspiration".

Simply, I want to live an inspired life. I want to inspire others and continually allow myself to be inspired by others and by the creation around me. Lately I have talked with some people who have been following me on this quest and I have discovered they, too, have found inspiration from this quest and have embarked on things like daily exercise or simply trying to eat healthier. Every time I hear of things like that, my inspiration levels go way up.

Even my wife has been inspired lately by the changes she is seeing in my physical progress. She told me a couple of times this weekend that I looked slimmer, and she even used the word "sleek" one time :) AND she told me, "Your arms are getting freakin' huge!" Us guys like to hear that, by the way. It certainly made me feel better about my progress! :) :)

It's always good to give and receive compliments. Try it out today and encourage someone...inspire them. In return expect to be encouraged yourself, even inspired by the beauty and wonder all around you!

In the meantime, realize we are closing in on the final 30 days here. This is a crucial stretch of time moving into the training and preparation. I am excited and have a great sense of victory in all of this!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Keeping The Vision In Front Of Me!

Interval training is hard as...MUY HARD!!!

Not a long workout today, but pushed it pretty good. Felt good, though it was definitely a climb.

Going to be doing a LIVE Stream broadcast of a tournament again tonight at 7pm on from the New England Open. Supposed to be an appearance by an American Idol finalist too...pretty cool.

We have been working around the clock the past few days on everything. Going into this final 30 days (in the next couple of days) is kinda trippin' me out! I feel like there is still so much to do, and time just keeps clicking away. We will do this though, no doubt whatsoever! From the beginning I have said that no matter what comes of it, just to be doing this and to have my family supporting me and cheering me on along the way has shown me that I am already the Champion!!!

To boot, I have had so many friends like you come along side me and lift my arms in this battle and encourage me, and even get in my face when necessary. Together we are showing the world that anything can be overcome, anyone can bounce back - even when "experts" tell you there is no way.

I just keep the vision in front of me (literally...I have a US Open poster in my face every time I sit at this computer) and keep reminding myself why I am doing this: To honor my God, to care for this body of mine, to overcome the biggest hurdle I have had yet, for my wife, for my two boys, for my family and friends all over the world.

I hope you can come to the event, not even really to see me though that would be welcome, but to be inspired by some of the most amazing and talented people on the planet! I kid you not, these martial artists are the best in the world and to be around them, hanging out with them, watching the limits they have pushed...there is nothing like it. Check out for info on attending.

I spent some time last night writing and just staring at the was good to do some mental detox and realize just how big this universe we live in is. I am simply a part, you are simply a part...but together we can change and conquer anything!

Have fun and check us out on tonight at 7pmest if you get a chance. Live chat open to everyone, so see ya there!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Gut check in the near future...Literally!

So, the past few days I have realized my clothes are not "fitting" me the way they used to. Like tonight I was walking across a college campus and had trouble keeping my pants from hanging like the gangster that I am :)

There have been a few times when I felt downright goofy due to the fact that some of my shirts are so big on me now that I look like a doof wearing them. Not going to buy new clothes yet though. Celebrate with a shopping spree later...who wants to go shopping!?

I don't pay much attention to the scale as I understand muscle weighs more than fat, and I have been building muscle quite a bit lately in preparing for the U.S. Open. But I do pay attention to inches. Losing inches can tell you something significant about your success.

Of course my family has told me they can see the difference each week (sometimes daily) but I can't always see it or feel it. so...

I think I am going to do a gut check in the next several days...literally. Gonna' pull out the 'ol tape measure and measure how many inches I have lost.

Now, don't get all giggly just yet. Not like I'm going to win the Biggest Loser right now...I still have a ways to go. This has been a big mountain to climb (especially the one around my waist!) and it ain't over yet! It is good to see progress though, so we are going to check the progress in a few days.

Tune in, tell your friends...I might just video it if I feel froggy enough about it!

Kata and self-defense practice tonight...should be fun! I think we are going to be getting some sunshine here in Orlando in the next couple of days...muy much can't wait for that!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Talk About Winds of Change...God might have been laughing at us today!

Oh my goodness people! I think God was laughing at us a good way. :) We did the bike today and I thought my legs were going to POP!

The winds were so strong going in one direction, we were literally crawling on the bike to get down the road at one point. Then when we made a turn and I was sure we would at least cross the wind instead of it coming head on...the wind changed...head on again! Arrrggggh!


When we pulled out of that direction to go in the direction where, originally, the wind would now be at our backs (did that make any sense at all?) guessed it...wind change, A-GAIN!

God had to have done that on purpose just to play with us...who knows!?

We only completed half of the bike today, along with the rest of our workout, because we thought we would die for sure if we had to do the other half. Call me a pansy, I don't care... All I know is that was the hardest ride so far during our training.

Everything else went well (except for my arms feel like they have steel rods going through them because I switched my upper body workout this week).

We are definitely approaching the final stretch here (check the countdown clock to the bottom right)...there is a lot more to accomplish but I am feeling good about everything. Just excited about finally living out a dream of competing at this level in the Martial Arts when there were those who told me I might never compete in sports again.

Talk about winds of change...

Oh, and our shirts should be ready soon. I will definitely let you know on that one.

For now, going to keep upping the intensity this week in honor of our men and women in uniform who have and are serving us every day on the front lines! See previous post for info on that...

Keep it real friends and live intensely! Just watch out for changing winds...(that sounded deep!)

Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day Observed...Thank You!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

More about the "Why" of this Quest...

It Has Begun!

A Warrior Rises...A Father Becomes A Hero!

My Coach...

The Event...

My community of martial arts friends...

Sunday, May 24, 2009

And The Sun Breaks Through...

Earlier this a.m. I went for a refreshing walk to the lake to do some stretching and reflection. It was simply beautiful as the sun was breaking through after a week of nothing but clouds and rain here in Central Florida. I was soaking it up...sun, the sound of water lapping up on the land, sitting near a meditative crane and watching turtles play and bask in the sunlight. Peaceful...

I decided to listen to some Matt Kearney (no relation to my coach Lauren Kearney that I know of...if so, she bess be gettin' me some talk time with the man! j/k. :) Anyway...

While listening, walking, praying, and enjoying the sun I began to experience a deeply spiritual moment, to the point of my inner well of emotions bubbling up to tears, smiles, laughter, and a serene sense of empowerment. I am going to write in my paper journal (yes, I still use paper!) about this in just a bit, and I don't want to go too much into it here, but suffice it to say it was one of those breakthrough moments that reminded me I belonged on this Quest...this is the RIGHT thing...that no matter the end result in terms of the tournament (though a win would be very cool) this Quest is so much bigger than me, the tournament, and anything that happens along the way. During this moment I was taken back mentally and emotionally to some very trying times (like the first big auto-accident that really began my downward spiral) and some relational hurts that I have since forgiven and moved on from.

In this moment, it was good to realize I have healed from all these things in the past, and this Quest is about reclaiming the power and strength in my body and releasing the power of my mind to do good for others and empower and lead others to their own experience of overcoming and healing and living life to the fullest.

I thank my God for this experience, for this Quest, for the U.S. Open, and for all those (you) who are with me along the way. I truly believe so many lives can and will be changed through this journey that will not end at the Open, but will truly blossom into some very powerful opportunities.

The sun is breaking through this morning, in more ways than one...enjoy your Sunday and take time to reflect on some good things. Have a chat with God, have a chat with yourself, allow the sun to break through in your own life.


P.S. - I don't know if that crane was really meditating. I thought about asking, but then I would have felt really silly :)

Saturday, May 23, 2009


There comes a place in a person's life where you dig deep enough to face yourself for who you really are and who you are striving to become. I have crossed that path previously a couple of times in my life, and now I am searching for that place again. This Quest is taking me through the fire on so many different levels. This is not an easy place, but inevitably I will rise from these ashes alive, and with an inner (and outer) strength not previously experienced in my own journey.

I encourage each of you to take some time and search deeply within yourself and see if you can find that place I speak of...a place where you realize you must reach to places you have only dreamed of so far, and then to a place where you reconcile within yourself the only thing to do at this point is to take the action necessary to achieve those dreams, to reach those places and conquer matter the cost or sacrifice, no matter how long it takes, no looking back, leaving nothing to question, leaving it all out in the open for the world to see and regardless of how the world still move on!

Today we worked hard and tonight we will play hard!

Rest Day Recovered and Busy Saturday!

Sitting at breakfast yesterday a.m. (Friday) I realized something that made my whole day...I MISSED A REST DAY ON THURSDAY!

At first I was like, "Dang it! I missed a rest day again!" Then I was like, "YES! That means I get one today!"

Just in case you were wondering, I thoroughly enjoyed my rest day! Back to the grind early Saturday a.m. Train early, Farmer's Market for some fresh goodies, probably another round of training, and then on to a Graduation Par-tay and UFC...

Update on my injury from last week: doing pretty well for the most part. If I feel any twinge of pain at all, I just back off. For now everything seems to be firing on all 8. Made me sweat there for a couple of days, but thankfully I have a good team of people around me making sure I don't do anything stupid (other than bike 10 miles in a deluge of rain!)

Holly is changing my nutrition schedule around slightly and Michael and I are revamping the training routine again. Can't get into a slump or a plateau at this point. Also probably taking a trip to South Florida this week to meet up with Lauren Kearney ( my coach and tighten up some technique.

Getting close, people, getting close. I hope to see many of you at the event in July! Go to for info on the event...

Some shut-eye for now and up and at 'em for a busy day!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

She Who Challenges...Should Be Challenged! (At Least That's The Way I See

To a break from training today to get some biz and some writing done...just finished some things up, and back to training. I think whoever issues a challenge (see my last two posts, including the raw video in the post from yesterday) should be out there DOING the challenge...and I told Holly myself! She smiled at me and said, "You wanna compete in the U.S. Open...go train and stop griping at me."

Hmph. Of all the nerve! Whatever...

I'm back to completing my daily challenge and workout and preparing to step on the greatest tournament stage in the U.S. - the U.S. Open World Martial Arts Championships!

btw...this weather we are having in Orlando is not the best weather to stay motivated in...pray for some sunshine (at which point I will probably pray for rain to escape the heat!)

Doesn't matter, rain or shine...this thing is ON!

P.S. - A reminder of what this is all first post here on this blog that started it all!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Challenge...The Misery!

Here's a vid in the middle of training for the U.S. Open, and more specifically doing the daily duties of my new training challenge set forth by Holly, my wife and all-consuming manager (see yesterday's post). It's pretty raw as we captured it on a cell phone on the fly, and I was already so tired I was slurring my speech and was soaking wet from this non-stop rain here in Orlando. It was miserable...cue the violins...

At this point, we have finished our forms training for the day staying on track for the challenge of a minimum of 5,000 before the U.S. Open. All I can say is I am not doing well right now...I will catch all of you LATER!

The links I mention in the video, by the way, are:
This site: (please share)
The U.S. OPen:
And where I write daily motivation and martial arts oriented material:
Of course, you can also reach me on Fb and at

Hope I can still feel my feet in the a.m.
Doug out.

P.S. - the bigger point here is that you (and I) can accomplish anything we set our minds a dream? Go For It! out!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Rock You Like A Hurricane...The 10,000 Challenge!

The rains could not stop us! Michael and I worked out in the rain today (it got real messy), and at one point "Rock You Like A Hurricane" popped up on my iPod. Thought that was funny! Rain or Shine, Hurricane or Drought...gotta' keep going. If you are living any where near Central Florida you know the rain has not stopped for two days straight.

It was cold at first working out outside. Kinda reminded me of when I raced triathlon/biathlons in Northern Georgia one winter. Got through the run portion and my teammates said I had something hanging off of my face. Icicles had frozen on my face and hair while running. CHI-LLY!

Can't stop for the weather though. Too little time, too much to do. The rain can be energizing though, especially when you love water like I do. Twas a little scary at one point as my front tire started hydroplaning during the bike ride...thought I was a goner for sure.

As for the challenge I was given last night during my date night with Holly...

She has taken over all the logistics of my training. Talking with sponsors, working with schedules, and making all kinds of things happen. We were talking through some training options and concerns and I mentioned how I was working through 1000 run-throughs of my kata (form) between now and the U.S. Open. She looked at me and said, "That's nothing! I want you to up it to 10,000!" At first, I thought she was joking...she wasn't. Then I told her she was out of her mind...she isn't. Then she leveled with me and said she knew I could push further than 1000 and she expected me to give everything I've got to the or lose...nothing left on the table here!

We talked about it some more, and I began to think through it, remaining silent. When I got home I did some calculating. I would be doing kata 12.5 hours a day to accomplish 10,000. I showed it to her and we began to talk about what level was the minimum level I would have to train at in order to really be a contender.

We agreed that 10,000 was a goal to shoot for, but considering the time left we wanted to be realistic. She said she would accept anything over 5,000 prior to the U.S. Open, but to go as far past it as possible. We are still talking over 4 hours a day JUST ON A SINGLE FORM!!!
To be sure, this is not an unacceptable request in the scope of achieving Mastery. Regardless of what number I hit before the U.S. Open, I will continue afterward until reaching 10,000.

Before that, I've some real work to do. To boot, I must complete 10,000 repetitions in something else that is related to my training. Grrrr...

This is in addition to preparing for the other events I will compete in AND continuing my physical workouts for weight loss and general well-being AND my time committed to mental work AND working AND being a father and a husband AND sleeping AND brushing my teeth AND the time it is going to take to remind myself of how crazy I am for even attempting all get the point!

I think it definitely worth it and necessary though. After all, to be a Champion, one must go farther than anyone else is willing to go, to do more, to study more, to practice more, to risk more, to sacrifice more...

Michael looked at me at the end of the conversation and said, "Well, if you really want it, you've got to do what it takes and this is worth it and it can be done." I was kinda' hoping he would be on my side, but he chose Holly's side in this...guess that's what a good training partner is for!

Wise words from my 17-year old training partner and one of my three closest friends in the world.

Nuff said!

P.S. - No wait, one more thing...HELP!

Monday, May 18, 2009

A New Challenge Has Been Issued...

I received a new challenge from Holly (my wife and now, Manager) tonight during our weekly Monday-night Date Night...

All I can say for now is 10,000 each...!!!

What!? I have to process this challenge before I make any announcement proper.

Can I deliver? That is the real question. This is about as daunting as the U.S. Open itself, but no doubt would put me at a different level of performance.


Sunday, May 17, 2009

Back in Orlando...Almost Hit By Car (twice)...Into The Final Stretch Here!

Back in Orlando now...Gator Nationals was awesome, and I had a great time meeting some of you there. I have to admit, I relaxed on my eating plan slightly while there, and I didn't do as much as I would have liked in the area of actual training, but I think it was good nonetheless in terms of resetting mentally and giving my body another chance to catch up with itself.

Lauren and I had the opportunity to do some live broadcasting of the main events Saturday night during's live stream of the event. It was pretty raw (we didn't plan anything, just went with it...) but it was a lot of fun and we have received some great feedback. Looks like there is more of that to come.

While working out today I was almost hit twice by two numbskull drivers who decided they had no reason to pay attention to the rule of law while on the road. That kind of stuff drives (no pun intended) me nuts... PEOPLE! Obey traffic laws and watch out for bikers and pedestrians!!! One of the guys just smiled at me and waved his fingers around his head like he was admitting he was a, YEAH!

Working out today was light, and as soon as I was finished the storms rolled in. I laid down with the little guy to get him to take a nap. Ends up, he stayed awake and ran off to play and I was out for a few hours apparently! I have lost a bunch of sleep this past week with the injury, stuff going on at work, and trying to integrate new schedules, so I hope I'm nearly caught up now.

This weekend gave me an opportunity to relax, enjoy some great competition, meet some really amazing people and look forward to hitting training hard and heavy again. We are almost there friends. The US Open is right around the corner, and what I saw this weekend in terms of competition is no laughing matter. This weekend also helped me see how serious some people around me are about this Quest for the U.S. Open. Lot of open eyes for me over the past few days.

I need nothing short of a miracle to step on the mat with these people (my competition). One thing I realized though...I belong in the U.S. Open. I am meant to stand next to these men and women in competition. I have full belief that I can do this and do it well. I want to be worthy of it, so I will continue to train hard and focus like a crazy-man.

Getting some technology on board to make this blog better is slow-going right now, but I'm ok with it as training and preparing for the Open takes priority. If it takes a few more days or a week in order to train properly, I'm ok with that. Remember, I'm doing this with just me and a couple of other people physically helping me do things, and there will probably be fewer people the closer I get to the Open. It's just the nature of the end, only I can stand on the mat and do what must be done. If there are those who don't take this seriously enough to put in the resources needed, or simply cannot go on further with me on this be it, I'm ok with that too.

It's time to cut all excess loose and begin the final race to the finish line, so to speak. The U.S. Open is July 3-4, and there is a lot more work to do to prepare for it.

I thank you for your prayers and support, and I hope to see as many of you as possible at the Open or along the way on this Quest.

Here we go, folks...raise the torch...let's finish this race!!!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Just Arrived In Daytona Beach...Time to Re-Center and Re-Gain Momentum

Holly, Michael, Nathaniel, and I arrived in Daytona Beach, FL a while ago for the Gator Nationals Martial Arts Championships (at the Ocean Center if you are anywhere nearby). This is a big tourney with a lot of very talented people competing. I'm here to observe, soak it in, meet up with Lauren (my coach), and basically re-center mentally.

This week was brutal. The injury...closing the business (nationally all our stores are closing)...having a full plate of other responsibilities...AND still training and trying to be careful so as to not make the injury worse. Two days ago, I thought I was past the worst of it, then yesterday..WHAM! I felt as bad or worse than I did at the beginning of the week. Lost a lot of recuperative sleep this week too, which hasn't helped AT ALL!

I haven't been able to get through a full practice session with my kata this week, which is driving me nuts because time is so very critical right now. For me, I can't simply focus on the kata...but also the physical training to be able to present the kata. It is not easy, but then if it was, it probably wouldn't be worth it. Right?

The best thing I can do is breathe, relax mentally and use this time in Daytona this weekend to get it together, so to speak.

My back feels so-so today, but I am not taking any chances.

I'm going for a light workout with Michael tonight at the hotel just to keep my body "awake" to the fact that we are still in this thing. Won't be going too long as I'm going to hit the sack and sleep in just slightly tomorrow before heading over to the tournament.

We will break away at some point tomorrow and get some beach time in then be back for the live stream of the main events tomorrow night beginning at 7pm on I will be tweeting throughout the day updating on the event. Posting some pics too...probably here and at

I really need your thoughts and prayers right now. This has been a hard week, and I desperately need to regain the momentum I had going into this week. We are almost at the midway point, and if I ever needed your prayers and is now.

Talk to you some more tomorrow at some point. Night!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Holy Gnat, Batman! + Injury Update...

It must have been in the thousands...swarms and swarms of gnats tonight while working out. I mean, random, sudden bursts of gag-reflexing gnats out of nowhere like thousands of enemy battleships defending what, apparently, they think is their homeland...against me, on the way to the U.S. Open.


We just couldn't get away from the little things. Every once in a while I would take a chance to take in a deep breath (before I passed out from holding my breath) and SCHWOOOOZZZZSH! Mouth full of gnats. I was coughing up gnats, blowing them out of my nose, wiping them out of my eyes, and even digging them out from under my headphones! I wear board shorts to workout in and at one point I thought they were flying up my shorts...almost ran off the flippin' road at that point...terrifying!

They lie in wait, I tell you. Strategically picking off their prey... I can't stand 'em...enough of them.

On to more critical items...

Injury update: I did a full workout today/tonight, but only about 80% intensity (better than Monday and yesterday). Still small traces of the pain that set in earlier this week, but nothing like it was. It has caused some trouble sleeping a few nights this week, but I think I am catching up there. I have been receiving treatments each day and using hydrotherapy, stretching, massage, and other light therapies to help.

It was a bit scary, not knowing what was happening. But I think I am on the mend fully and should be back to full capacity following Gator Nationals this weekend. ( friends over at will be streaming live part of this event this weekend. Check out their website for some more info and tune in to some amazing martial arts action! My coach Lauren Kearney will be there too.)

The worst thing for me this week is that I have missed a lot of time working my kata (martial arts form), and self-defense techniques. I am going to try and make up some time the next couple of days in that area, but without pushing too hard.

I had also felt like I hit a transition just before this happened where I was really beginning to burn a lot more bodyfat each day and was beginning to see some significant results. I don't think I lost my ground there, but the momentum has shifted and it will take a few days to build that back up again.

The important thing is that I am still going forward and overcoming this. This is part of what this Quest is about...overcoming those things that have kept me back for so many years, and doing things that other "experts" said I would never do again.

I am learning so much about me, my art, my body, and my relationships through all of this and these things are definitely worth it. I can honestly say I have already won, and we are still just under two months out (that is scary all to itself!).

Thank you so much for the support, encouragement, and prayers. Keep them coming and I hope we can all show the world what living a life of a Champion is really about together. You, after all, are a HUGE part of the Quest team and I love that we are accomplishing this together.

I spoke with the guy/company who is designing our shirts, and he says he will have something soon, so I hope to unveil the official "Quest for the U.S. Open" shirt mucho fast!

Do me a favor and pass the word along to your friends about this Quest and the U.S. Open. I would love to make some more friends along the way and hopefully inspire even more people to live the extraordinary life!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Still working on some new tech stuff with this site...should be up and running or at least where I can share some good stuff in a couple of days.

Update on Injury:
I am working out lightly. Very light right now. Taking advice from trainers, family, and my coach to take it easy. Really listening to the body right now. Feeling much better, but can still tell I need to be careful with it. Thanks for the support from everyone so far.

Gator Nationals This Weekend! I will be there hanging out with my friends from and watching all the amazing martial arts action! will actually be doing some live feeds of the event. Be sure to check out for more info and to tune in to one of the strongest tournaments in the nation. If you are near Daytona by any stretch, you definitely will want to try and stop in for this event.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

One-count, Possibly Two-count, Injury...Frustration!

I wasn't planning on posting anything today, but I felt I needed to keep you in the loop...

Woke up this a.m. with some serious pain...mid back left side...muscular. Not sure what I did or when but this thing knocked me around today (still knocking me around) even after massage treatment, some hydrotherapy, planned rest, stretching, and generally taking it easy.

I mean, I'm not down for the count or anything crazy like that, but at least a one-count or a two-count. I'm hurting folks and I can't afford this at this point in the game...ever, to be sure.

Doing some more therapy tonight on my way to sleep and re-assessing in the a.m. This is not good, and has put me a day and a half behind in training plans. I have to be wise here though so I don't screw it up even more. My mind wants to go way ahead of my body right now though, and that is my greatest battle this weekend.

Holly said it reminds her of previous injury...complications from one of the accidents that I have had to deal with...not what I wanted to hear, but she has been in my corner all these years and is very keen on what is happening with me.

Gotta' get this under control and take care of it. Gonna' have some training to catch up with this week, especially getting ready to travel to Gator Nationals on Friday.


Saturday, May 9, 2009

New things coming...couple of days away from blogging

Hello everyone...

I've got some re-arranging to do over the next couple of days with this site, so I might not post much in the next couple of days. Don't worry though, I am still working hard toward the U.S. Open. I've had a couple of real good days of training, and have begun a new phase in the training of martial arts specifics. We are under 2 months to go much is happening. New things right around the bend, so stay tuned...

Have a great Mother's Day weekend...I will chat with you again in a couple of days.


Thursday, May 7, 2009


I received a call from a good friend a couple of days ago. For a few years I trained MMA fighters at the amateur level (we were on the verge of going pro when I had to step away in order to heal), and one of those fighters got back in touch with me after not seeing him for about a year. He has gone through somewhat of a personal transformation as well and it was good to hear he was doing well. He has won 3 of his last 3 fights by knockout, so I congratulated him BIG TIME! I asked him who he was training with and he said, "Nobody else, just keep doing what you showed me to do. I trust you." I was floored, but is there any greater honor to receive than to know you are trusted like this? When I asked him what he did to win his last 3 fights he said, "I just did what you told me to do all along...breathe!"

It's something I tell everyone I work with...breathe. Getting oxygen deep into your body, even in the most difficult circumstances, is one of the most important things you can possibly do. Without air, you're done!

So he and I are working together again and I will be preparing him for a new weight class and his next fight (I am sooo pumped about this!), and he said he is going to be able to make it to the U.S. Open! Can't wait to see him he will be in my "corner" and I will be on the "mat".

My conversation with him reminded me to do something while preparing for the U.S. Open...BREATHE! When I get overwhelmed at just how big this thing is, I need to breathe. When I feel my body has had all it can take, I need to breathe. And when I feel like my mind is going to snap from the got it, breathe.

This has been an exciting Quest thus far. Today is rest day. Tomorrow, back in the thick of it! Thanks for all your support...all of you! And for those of you there in July, I can't wait to introduce to you my good friend and fighter, KB!

Until then, Breathe!!!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


It's about every level!

When I began this Quest, I wasn't thinking in terms of, "Ooh, a tournament, cool...", and I wasn't thinking in terms of trophies, awards, recognition, etc. As a matter of fact, I braced for the most intense amount of ridicule. I prepared myself for people who would make promises and not deliver, for those who wouldn't believe in me, and for those who would say there was no way. I was prepared to lose a lot...sacrifice...whatever necessary to pursue this Quest.

I've experienced all that and more (and most of it nobody but me and my wife and sons know about), but as I was finishing up training this morning with a stint in the pool I just began to realize more than ever that I would have to be like the water. Flexible. Fluid. The most powerful force on earth when necessary, but also nurturing, healing, and calm.

It hasn't been easy so far, and it won't get any easier leading up to the U.S. Open in July, but I must remain flexible and fluid, powerful and and at peace, for I know the Quest I have embarked upon is worth it.

This is about so much more than "just a tournament". This is about transformation. The transformation of me, my outlook, my perceptions, my abilities, my skill levels, my family, my get the point. But it goes beyond me, it affects everyone around me and even those I don't know about. That is why I must continue on and reach to heights that would be considered worthy of the U.S. Open...worthy of the Martial Arts...worthy of...everything that is meaningful to me and to those who are supporting me.

This transformation runs deep, and any time you engage such a process, you better be ready for fire. As the fires rage, I must constantly remind myself to be like the water, that I can get through this, I can succeed!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The Body Speaks!

Today has been such a beatdown! I began the day on the up, but then I was soon crashing (physically) and my body said, "Hey, remember when your legs were hallucinating a couple of weeks ago and you thought you were in pain then? Well, this is your WHOLE body talking tonight, not just your legs, and we are NOT hallucinating, we are completely conscious of everything going on and we are shutting you down something light (after a nap), get in some good stretching, give us some reeeeealllly good nutrition, but after that... Don't even tempt us, we will rebel viciously and you will begin hitting yourself and falling down randomly, and throwing yourself headlong into the kitchen sink. We can and will control your limbs and functionality. Back off buddy...light is the word today, then go to bed."

I have listened. Took a nap. Did a light workout (and I mean light and smart), getting ready for some relaxing stretches, then some reading and lights out. I will heed the warning of my body as the whole kitchen sink thing just terrifies me, plus I don't need to risk injury or sickness just because I want to be gung-ho Samurai every day!

I guess yesterday I pushed a little too hard too long. Didn't realize it but I think I was in the sun a little too long yesterday too. I was really enjoying yesterday's workout, so I just kept going. Still gotta play this smart, though, as I am still a long way from the goal. 59 days and counting...I now have a counter to the bottom left so we can all count down the days...tick tock!

Oh, and I think there will be an article in a local Orlando-area paper soon. Holly took a call from someone today I think and she got it all set up. Holly is working on some very cool things behind the scenes to help me out, so I can focus on what I need to do. I will definitely post links for that when it happens.

Going to finish up some stretching and reading now...I sense a big week ahead of us!

Big day...and a Rescue during workout

Big day today! Strong workout, and a lot of mental training too. Of course, mental training is woven in everything, but I mean some very specific type stuff. Worked a bit today on the design of the new "Quest" shirt, and it is turning out to be amazing. I can't wait to share it with you all.

I did some work in the water today...the pool finally warmed up enough to keep breathing for a long period of time, so it was good to do some slow moving, resistance type training in the pool. Also did some "be still and know" type training...meditation.

While on our bike ride today, Michael and I completed a very important humanitarian act as well... Um, well, maybe it wasn't "human"itarian as much as it was "turtle" we rescued a young gopher turtle that was heading straight for the concrete jungle of the highway. We enlisted the help of our local Nature Preserve employee and he helped the turtle find his way back to his borough. Proud of us? You should be! After all, turtles are people too...sorta.

Anyway...studying some kata (forms) that my coach just sent me, so back to that for a bit. This week begins some laser focus on that side of things for the tournament. Very tired too, so going to hit the sack soon...

Sunday, May 3, 2009

New Phase of Training...My Training Routine...And Meeting A Fellow "Quest-er"

I spoke to my coach Lauren Kearney ( briefly yesterday and we are on track for the next phase of my training. I am switching up my physical workouts this week in order to push past the plateaus I am reaching physically, and then she is leading me into some specific training on my katas and martial arts side of things. I'm looking forward to it, but I have to admit that I am a bit nervous too. I haven't been training hard and heavy in katas for a couple of years, and I know it will all come back to me (as it has in the past few weeks doing to bit that I have) but this is a very different level and I will be blazing into some new territory with what she has to teach me. Above all, I am excited and motivated moving into this new phase.

A few people have asked me about my training routine...stuff like, "When do you train?" "What do you do during your workouts?" "Where do you train?" "What are you eating or not eating?" "Is it easy?" (I always chuckle when I hear that one...) I have answers to all these questions, but I'll be honest and say I don't have a lot of time to fish out that type of info in great detail right now. I am however keeping notes and journals and details of my plans and will compile them for people to see soon. Right now, I have to focus on this singular task: Preparing ME for the U.S. Open.

With that said, I can give you some brief insight into my world. I train 6-days a week, with one rest day, and one "cheat" day mixed in as far as diet/eating is concerned. Even on my "rest" day I do something light, like walking, to keep my body "talking" and on the "cheat" days for eating, I don't go crazy. Maybe one meal is a former favorite, but slimmed down and then I work through the rest of the day wisely. Make sense? My meals are planned out for me and I simply eat what is given me most of the time. It's a very specific mix of foods and nutrition based on what I need and how much I need of everything to meet the demands of what my body is going through.

As far as physical training goes...I do a lot of bodyweight exercises, biking, walking, some weightlifting (but careful with that and not much), various other forms of cardio...things like yoga mixed in, as well as a lot of my basics in martial arts training...oh, and a lot of breathing exercises. That's really a snapshot as it is all scheduled out and strategically evaluated each week.

I play a lot too. That's! I believe big time in the art and benefits of "Play". I will definitely explain that in future posts and when I make available my stuff in organized form, but "playing" is such an important part of life period and really breaks the "stress" of what I am trying to do here. It is strategic though, make no mistake about it.

Mentally I do a lot of training too. As a "Mind Coach" I know full well that what is going on in the coconut up top is a huge key to success and/or failure. I do a lot of visualization, meditation, journaling, reading, filtering, mental stress-management (my wife is a Certified Holistic Stress Management Coach - so I learn from her), and praying...praying not the least of what is on that list I assure you...especially when I start thinking about what a "Crazy" I am for even thinking about taking on this Quest. It is no small mountain that I am climbing here.

Keep in mind, everything changes weekly, and sometimes daily depending on the heights (or valleys) I am reaching in my training, so I am never bored in all of this. The fun part of this is that I see results daily. Little ones most of the time, but those add up over the course of a week or beyond. Some days I see big results, like I talked about in yesterday's post about my legs while biking, so results vary. I don't get discouraged about small results as long as I see consistency, and I don't get worked up too much about the biggies either, because the next day I could be in a whole different category and again, I am concerned about consitency.

Hopefully all this helps for now...more in the future for those that are interested.

On another interesting note, I met a fellow Martial Artist yesterday that said he is just beginning his training for the U.S. Open for next year. We chatted for a moment about it and I tried to encourage him and offered him my contact. I hope to meet all kinds of people like that on this Quest. My bigger goal is that somehow all this becomes an inspiration to others to join me in this Quest or jump into their own dreams all the way and make them happen.

So, to the friend I met yesterday just beginning his Quest and to you, I say "Go for it!" Let nothing hold you back...leave nothing to question in the end...where there is no trail - cut your own trail...where there are scoffers and doubters - smile at them as you pass them by...where there are encouragers - listen to them and let them energize you...and don't do this alone - find coaches, family, friends, mentors, and a support system to assist you and guide you along the way...but in the end (or the beginning)... "Go for it!"

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Crashes and Part One of An Announcement...

Whew! Good workout this morning. Michael, my oldest son and official training partner for this Quest, ate it this a.m. Yes...ate it! He ran into a mailbox on the bike portion of our workout. I was cruising and took a peek back to see where he was and tell him something...he wasn't there!


He caught up with me shortly, and said he crashed. I said, "Crashed, like in, crashed crashed...?" (Like that made any sense at all!) He said, "Yes, I ran into a mailbox then tried to adjust coming..." Then he fell back into formation and got out of the way of any potential future crashes.

Of course, at first I was concerned, but then I was silently laughing my head off! I still haven't told him that (oh, wait, think I just did!).

Later on the same bike ride I felt like all the muscles in my legs and hips just blew wide open and I took off...I was like the, I WAS the wind. I was moving people! I kept looking back and Michael kept getting smaller and smaller. Haven't felt that kind of surge in years, and it felt dang good! Michael dropped so far behind that Holly, my wife, asked if we needed to take the car and go check on him after I returned home and Michael didn't show for a while. He showed up a few minutes later, and I don't like leaving him that far behind (just in case another mailbox were to step out in front of him) but I just couldn't resist taking that burst and going with it!

Oh...I will share with you PART of ONE of one of the announcements...I just can't wait. I have gained a corporate sponsor who is agreeing to produce shirts for the Quest! I've known this guy for pretty much my whole life (I think we invented breakdancing together) and he has a phenom business and is stepping up to make this happen for me. I will share with you his contact info, etc. shortly as we announce the shirt itself. I am very excited about should be too! In the meantime, if you need some signage or screen printing done, let me know, I will send you his info personally. Other announcements coming soon.

I just had a well-balanced nutritious meal following the a.m. workout...going to take a short nap now and work some more this afternoon. I feel some breakthrough right around the corner...very excited about that!

Watch out for friendly neighborhood mailboxes! HA ha!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Encouragement from YOU on Rest Day!

Today is my official "Rest Day"...once a week.
Why is it I have this crazy urge to work out and get all pumped up on my rest day? Last week I missed my rest day because of that, so I had to make it up on another day. Strange! Didn't miss it today though...NO WAY! HA!

So, a young lady walked up to me today and said she read my posts here at, and said she was inspired...said "I" was inspiring. WOW! That meant a lot. We talked for a couple of minutes about what I was doing, and I was energized just talking about it. So I thought that, being a rest day today, I would go back and look up some of the emails, messages, and notes people are sending in and just let them energize me some more. As I sat down to write this, another one popped up in my Facebook inbox.

Here are a few from the past couple of days I thought I would share with you...


I was catching up on your blogs and this quote came to mind...

“When you believe in a thing, believe in it all the way, implicitly and unquestionable.”
-Walt Disney

That quote has just stuck with me since I heard it a couple months ago. Glad you guys are doing well. Keep up the good work. Peace and sword defending sit ups.

from Alabama


Hope all things are well and your training is going swimmingly.

from Florida


...I will continue to lift you up in prayer in your quest for the US Open!! (I'm enjoying the blog, by the way!)

from South Carolina


Thanks everyone...for ALL your support! I am always thrilled to get your messages and reminds me that I am not in this alone. Encouragement is one of the most powerful forces in the universe, and it certainly helps me each week.

I've hit yet another plateau in training I think. Another evaluation later on how to kick it up another notch. It feels good to know that I am overcoming little mountains each week...hopefully I will be ready when I reach the BIG ONE in July!

Back to my rest day...Chat with you later!

P.S. - The Kanji in the picture says "Martial Arts" in case you are interested.

Dreaming of Rest Day!

"I have learned, that if one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours." -Henry David Thoreau

Good thought after a difficult day...and looking ahead to rest day tomorrow. Rest day will find a relaxing walk to the lake, some breath work, a heavy dose of "mind" work, and some nice stretching.

Been quite a week so far. I suspect it gets no less exciting from here.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Exciting News...Oh, By The Way!

Well, I just got some exciting news. For now, you will have to trust me because I need to work out details before I make an official announcement. This Quest is about so much more than just me working out and competing at the U.S. Open. That is the core of the whole thing (and that is big enough by itself, believe me!), yes, but when you step out and go for something like this, it affects a lot of people. I have people walk up to me everyday or email me or even phone me and tell me they saw this blog and are supporting me. Furthermore I have had a few people tell me they are inspired and want to start working out again, or they are going to get involved in the martial arts. That is HUGE, people!

With that in mind, I always want to find ways to give back and to help others on their own Quest. In the meantime, I have some people who have stepped up to say they will help me as well. In the next few days (I hope) I am going to be able to make a couple of announcements that, at least to me, are very, very cool. Stay tuned.

By the way, I had someone say to me the other day that I must be doing this full-time and get paid for it and no wonder I can find all this time to train...blah, blah, blah! I wanted to introduce him to Mr. Roundhouse! (I didn't, don't worry!)

Let me say...I don't do this full-time (though I will certainly entertain that option in the future), and I don't get paid for doing all this. In fact, I am working full-time at another job, launching a small business in spare time (actually Holly focuses most on this now that I am pursuing the U.S. Open), am first and foremost a Husband and a Father of two sons (one of which is dual-enrolled in High School and College - and is my primary training partner, the other is a toddler - HA!), and am seeking further employment as my primary job is shutting down due to a national closing in the very near future. I have spent the past couple of years overcoming injury and a depression that I thought was going to wipe me out (which is why I stepped away from my professional line of work after nearly 20 years)! I still struggle with all of that sometimes. I struggle with this Quest. Sometimes "Quest" is short for "Questions" for me...but I push on!

Training sometimes is in the middle of the night, or before everybody else is up and around. I don't have a lot of equipment...jumprope, punching mits, a mountain bike, and a very old weight set, and an open space in the backyard. It's all pretty rustic. I kinda feel like Rocky when he went to live in that barn and workout in the wild. Most of the time it is pretty cool, to be honest. I feel like I am connected to a long line of warriors who didn't have all the modern "necessities" that we have today. Though, I will admit that stuff would probably help sometimes.

I'm like most of you in that I do the best I can with what I've got. I do feel immensely blessed because of who has stepped into my corner as a coach, Lauren Kearney (, and I feel a great deal of support from all my friends at, and of course, I have 24/7 support from my family.

The reality is I am like most of you in that I have stuff I have to do everyday, and I have struggles I have to face everyday... The only difference may be that I know I still have a Champion's Heart and Mind through it all, no matter what has happened, and no matter what will happen, and I can do this and I have decided to do this. I live with a lot of Grace that has been shown me, and I am thankful. I am thankful I can still step out and train and even attempt something like the U.S. Open.

So, there is a lot more to this than you might think. It is certainly multi-layered and not easy at all.

Soon, I will make some exciting announcements. For now, I am going to try and catch a 20-minute nap before work. The lat night training last night and the training today has worn me slap out. Just for the record...I absolutely despise being slapped in the face by low-hanging branches that I can't see when drivers blast their beams in my eyes while biking near the highway (on a sidewalk).

If you see me out biking in the middle of the night, please go drive somewhere else so I don't see spots for the next 2 miles, and I don't get mauled by tree branches that somehow are mysteriously not there in the daytime!

Ride on!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

No Way Out Of This Tonight!

My day has been major crazy! I am just now at workout point of the day...almost midnight. Another "midnight run" so to speak.

I don't want to...but I must.

I will not post anything after the workout tonight (or tomorrow morning) as I will most definitely crash directly following...then go again in the a.m.

Here I go...(oh, and Holly told me I have an extra 3 miles on the bike tonight because I had a coffee tonight...sometimes I DESPISE accountability, but just like the midnight workouts, it is a MUST!)

Later! And I do mean LATE-er! (deep sigh and significant unwillingness to go through with this tonight...already sigh! I training partner is waiting...and I keep typing hoping somehow there is a way out...OK OK, I'm coming!)

Monday, April 27, 2009

Attacked With Swords During Training...

While training today, Nathaniel decided to increase the intensity of my workout. So, while I was doing situps, he proceeded to pound me with his foam swords...these are only a few of the pics as he was literally going all out on me. It was hilarious, but certainly does not make situps any easier. Michael was just sitting there laughing at me...thanks for the help training partner!

Oh, and Holly found this amazing recipe for Chimichanga's (sp?) that were healthy and she made it with the right portion of protein, carbs, and good fats...yum, yum! If you want the recipe, just email me or comment or something, I will be glad to send it to you.

Busy day tomorrow, so it's lights out for now. Hard to believe the U.S. Open is just around the corner...

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Personal "Goals" Journal Entry...

As promised, here is a scan of a page in my personal "Goals" notebook. One thing I learned a long time ago, is that you have to write your goals down. Get them out, so to speak. One day I was listing some personal goals and I wrote down a goal to win the U.S. Open and the Disney tournament. Lofty by all accounts...but if it isn't out of reach, it might not be worth reaching for. The "B-HAG's" as we used to call them (Big Hairy Audacious Goals), have to be, well...BIG.

This entry was made a couple of years ago, way before I felt I would even be able to give a hint to the U.S. Open. As a matter of fact, someone had suggested back then to simply attend and enjoy the Opn as a spectator. Pfft. I don't talk to that person anymore...much.

So, you can see - this has been a dream/goal for a while (this entry is just when I wrote it down, it took me several years just to get it from my head to paper...I had been talking about the U.S. Open for a while before this). As for the other goals that are crossed out (for privacy, I gotta save something for another post :)...some have been accomplished, some are in the works...but of interest, 4 out of the entries on that page alone have to do with attaining high levels of training and recognition in the Martial Arts.

Here we go...

P.S. - Today's training was difficult, but good. It was a fast pace, and "heavy" on my body. I was mentally having a tough time aligning myself with training today. Ever have a day when everything seems to just be in the way...annoying? That was my morning. Then to make it worse, I was cut behind my ear and was bleeding like mad! Very frustrating, but engaged the training and came out the better for later - woohoo!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Training from my perspective...

Here are a few photos taken from yesterday's training times. I took today off from workouts (still focused on nutrition and some stretching), because I forgot to take my one-day rest earlier this week and began to feel the effects this morning. Took the rest today...picking up again tomorrow and WILL NOT miss my rest day this coming week!

(1) I'm blurry because I'm so flippin' fast...or maybe it's because I'm dizzy...wait, I'm not taking the picture - maybe the photographer is dizzy. I don't know - but notice I am hitting the little black circle in the middle (actually at this point it was probably pure luck...or habit of training...because I was about to pass out from all these punches. What you don't see is that I am in a solid horse stance for these punches...100 at a time, over and over and get the point!)

(2)My view from situp position in the backyard. Situps are my least, that's what I keep telling myself. I'll tell you for sure after the U.S. Open.

(3)The road ahead of me. Riding some new pavement during the bike ride section of the workout.

(4)O.k., remember that mit with the little black circle. Well, it went flying into the trees during my roundhouse kick portion. It hurt so much to keep kicking I just started getting mad to keep going and ended up with a flying mit a few times. Made me feel like big-tough-karate-man! HA!

(5)This pic is for my sis as she loves these bugs...this little critter flew up next to me the other day while jumproping, etc. and just stayed there through the whole workout...then took off. Kinda freaked me out a couple of times, gotta admit.

Tomorrow a.m. up and at 'em with some full-on workouts. Will work some more on katas/techniques tomorrow too. Plan is the have some yoga tomorrow evening. Don't laugh if you've never done yoga or think it's "girly" can kick anyone's butt...go ahead, I dare you!

I will also scan and post a small entry from my goals notebook from a couple of years ago. I carry it around everywhere with me inside my journal. After reviewing some things from the past...found it very interesting what I came across.

Busy...Pictures Coming

I didn't get to post anything last night, as I took some much needed time just to be with my family after a long day at work, then training hard. Pictures were taken during the workout yesterday, so I'll post those later today. The pics were an attempt to give you my perspective while working out. A couple are humorous...

By the way, I am going to attend the Gator Nationals next month. I hope to see you there, whether competing or spectating. Let me know...I would love to meet some of you in person. The Gator Nationals is a biggie just before the U.S. Open.

Oh...and the next post or two I will give you a peek into a personal diary of sorts that I pulled out last week. Interesting to see what I wrote in it...

P.S. - You can follow me at if you use Twitter (and you should be!) or you can look over to the right of this page and see automatic updates from my tweets right here on this page. Also, if you get a chance check out Very cool place to hang out and I do some inspirational writing over there. You can also follow News at

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Some Inspiration To Keep Going...

A few quotes before my evening workout...will update some more later...

"What this power is I cannot say; all I know is that it exists and it becomes available only when a man is in that state of mind in which he knows exactly what he wants and is fully determined not to quit until he finds it."
Alexander Graham Bell

"Life is not easy for any of us. But what of that? We must have perseverance and above all confidence in ourselves. We must believe that we are gifted for something and that this thing must be attained."
Marie Curie

"Effort only fully releases its reward after a person refuses to quit."
Napoleon Hill

"Life is like riding a bicycle. You don't fall off unless you stop pedaling."
Claude Pepper
(Ha! I thought I was going to fall off of mine the other WHILE pedaling!)

"When you get in a tight place and everything goes against you, until it seems as if you could not hold on a minute longer, never give up then, for that is just the place and time when the tide will turn."
Harriet Beecher Stowe

I HAVE LOST IT! What Am I Doing!?!?!

What the...Am I MAD?!?!?! I really struggled to push through workouts today. I hurt everywhere, but I made it through. I worked out with Michael for a couple of hours today, then took a 1.5 mile walk to the lake and just meditated and listened to some calming music and some teaching from a favorite speaker.

I struggled a lot mentally as I realize more and more just how tall this mountain is. My competitors are world class and sharp! I haven't competed for i think over three years now, so I'm rusty I feel like a broken down car that someone has called the tow company to get off their property!

I will keep moving forward though...I have counted the cost, and I will meet this challenge. Rise or fall (or fall embarrassingly hard) I will meet it and succeed.

Thanks for being with me...Long day, good night, and we will punch and kick and scream our way through this struggle again tomorrow.

P.S. - There are some very cool things happening btw...I hope to be able to share some of it soon.

P.P.S. - Please pass this blog info on to your friends or family...I appreciate all the support I can get.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

A Warrior Rises...A Father Becomes A Hero

Tonight I got alone and pushed. Pushed mentally, physically, spiritually. I know I will need to push more in the days ahead, but I went further than normal tonight. It's step one in raising the intensity of my training. And yes, this is much more than a physical pursuit of excellence. It is very much...mental and spiritual as well.

Here's what I opponents are digging deep. I must dig deeper. Not simply to try and match them...but to dig deeper inside me, for me, in spite of me. I don't see my opponents as enemies, but as those who would cause me to go farther than I ever have, and to overcome more than I ever have. They will make me better. Better will not be good enough, though. The Best will. That won't come from them. "Best" can only come from me.

A constant theme coursing through my mind tonight was that of a Warrior rising. Rising to meet the task set ahead of him...regardless of that task, it must be met. For now, my task is the preparation for and engagement of the U.S. Open. I must maintain a laser-focus on this task.

Holly, my wife, told me last night that my oldest son, Michael, is proud of me for doing this...that I was his hero, and he loved being here every step of the way for me and with me through all of this. Can I just say this...I want to make my son proud...and if he sees me as his hero, I have already won so many battles...on so many different levels. If a father and son can tread through blood, sweat, and tears (and there have been all of those already), and walk through both the fire of trial and the sweetness of triumph, and together rise to meet this challenge (in the society and world in which we live) - and I be called his hero by his own there anything else that can be said!?

Goodnight...I am going to spend some time with my son before bed.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Late Night Rounds...

Went a couple of rounds tonight with Michael doing some 3/4 speed/power sparring and self-defense along with some jump-roping and a walk-through of a kata I haven't done in a long time. Just had to get some extra energy burned off before bed. I wanted to go to bed earlier tonight, but knew I would just toss and turn if I did.

Lauren, my Coach, sent me some videos this morning of my potential competition. Yep...I'm definitely climbing a BIG mountain. Will be receiving some more instruction from her soon. In the meantime, studying, studying, and training, training.

I feel like I'm moving too slow right now (in terms of the intensity of my training), so I will evaluate that tomorrow again and see if I simply hit a plateau already. I think I will begin to disappear from the world around me a few times a week for my training times. I do really well to be alone sometimes and I can push myself and work through some visualization. Other times I need to be surrounded, but the distractions lately have been mounting.

Hydrating...and hitting the sack!


The distractions that can bombard you each day are staggering. I just want to screeeeaaaaam sometimes. It's worth the climb up the proverbial mountain though...definitely worth it! I am sure the Samurai of ancient had distractions too. Unfortunately I cannot draw my sword and scare them away or hop on my trusty steed and gallop off to the forest to hide for a while. Oh well, gotta deal!

This photo is a picture of the flyer for the Open that I have right above my computer...gotta keep the vision in front of me (oh, and I have started carrying my karate belt with me everywhere I go as a constant reminder of what I must do).
I do wish I had a horse like that guy in the picture has...