Thursday, May 28, 2009

Gut check in the near future...Literally!

So, the past few days I have realized my clothes are not "fitting" me the way they used to. Like tonight I was walking across a college campus and had trouble keeping my pants from hanging like the gangster that I am :)

There have been a few times when I felt downright goofy due to the fact that some of my shirts are so big on me now that I look like a doof wearing them. Not going to buy new clothes yet though. Celebrate with a shopping spree later...who wants to go shopping!?

I don't pay much attention to the scale as I understand muscle weighs more than fat, and I have been building muscle quite a bit lately in preparing for the U.S. Open. But I do pay attention to inches. Losing inches can tell you something significant about your success.

Of course my family has told me they can see the difference each week (sometimes daily) but I can't always see it or feel it. so...

I think I am going to do a gut check in the next several days...literally. Gonna' pull out the 'ol tape measure and measure how many inches I have lost.

Now, don't get all giggly just yet. Not like I'm going to win the Biggest Loser right now...I still have a ways to go. This has been a big mountain to climb (especially the one around my waist!) and it ain't over yet! It is good to see progress though, so we are going to check the progress in a few days.

Tune in, tell your friends...I might just video it if I feel froggy enough about it!

Kata and self-defense practice tonight...should be fun! I think we are going to be getting some sunshine here in Orlando in the next couple of days...muy much can't wait for that!

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