Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Big day...and a Rescue during workout

Big day today! Strong workout, and a lot of mental training too. Of course, mental training is woven in everything, but I mean some very specific type stuff. Worked a bit today on the design of the new "Quest" shirt, and it is turning out to be amazing. I can't wait to share it with you all.

I did some work in the water today...the pool finally warmed up enough to keep breathing for a long period of time, so it was good to do some slow moving, resistance type training in the pool. Also did some "be still and know" type training...meditation.

While on our bike ride today, Michael and I completed a very important humanitarian act as well... Um, well, maybe it wasn't "human"itarian as much as it was "turtle"itarian...as we rescued a young gopher turtle that was heading straight for the concrete jungle of the highway. We enlisted the help of our local Nature Preserve employee and he helped the turtle find his way back to his borough. Proud of us? You should be! After all, turtles are people too...sorta.

Anyway...studying some kata (forms) that my coach just sent me, so back to that for a bit. This week begins some laser focus on that side of things for the tournament. Very tired too, so going to hit the sack soon...

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