Saturday, May 2, 2009

Crashes and Part One of An Announcement...

Whew! Good workout this morning. Michael, my oldest son and official training partner for this Quest, ate it this a.m. Yes...ate it! He ran into a mailbox on the bike portion of our workout. I was cruising and took a peek back to see where he was and tell him something...he wasn't there!


He caught up with me shortly, and said he crashed. I said, "Crashed, like in, crashed crashed...?" (Like that made any sense at all!) He said, "Yes, I ran into a mailbox then tried to adjust coming..." Then he fell back into formation and got out of the way of any potential future crashes.

Of course, at first I was concerned, but then I was silently laughing my head off! I still haven't told him that (oh, wait, think I just did!).

Later on the same bike ride I felt like all the muscles in my legs and hips just blew wide open and I took off...I was like the, I WAS the wind. I was moving people! I kept looking back and Michael kept getting smaller and smaller. Haven't felt that kind of surge in years, and it felt dang good! Michael dropped so far behind that Holly, my wife, asked if we needed to take the car and go check on him after I returned home and Michael didn't show for a while. He showed up a few minutes later, and I don't like leaving him that far behind (just in case another mailbox were to step out in front of him) but I just couldn't resist taking that burst and going with it!

Oh...I will share with you PART of ONE of one of the announcements...I just can't wait. I have gained a corporate sponsor who is agreeing to produce shirts for the Quest! I've known this guy for pretty much my whole life (I think we invented breakdancing together) and he has a phenom business and is stepping up to make this happen for me. I will share with you his contact info, etc. shortly as we announce the shirt itself. I am very excited about should be too! In the meantime, if you need some signage or screen printing done, let me know, I will send you his info personally. Other announcements coming soon.

I just had a well-balanced nutritious meal following the a.m. workout...going to take a short nap now and work some more this afternoon. I feel some breakthrough right around the corner...very excited about that!

Watch out for friendly neighborhood mailboxes! HA ha!

1 comment:

  1. Hee-hee-hoo-hoo-haw-haw. You're just jealous mailboxes don't jump out at you.
    Awesome announcement, too! You didn't tell me that!
