Sunday, May 10, 2009

One-count, Possibly Two-count, Injury...Frustration!

I wasn't planning on posting anything today, but I felt I needed to keep you in the loop...

Woke up this a.m. with some serious pain...mid back left side...muscular. Not sure what I did or when but this thing knocked me around today (still knocking me around) even after massage treatment, some hydrotherapy, planned rest, stretching, and generally taking it easy.

I mean, I'm not down for the count or anything crazy like that, but at least a one-count or a two-count. I'm hurting folks and I can't afford this at this point in the game...ever, to be sure.

Doing some more therapy tonight on my way to sleep and re-assessing in the a.m. This is not good, and has put me a day and a half behind in training plans. I have to be wise here though so I don't screw it up even more. My mind wants to go way ahead of my body right now though, and that is my greatest battle this weekend.

Holly said it reminds her of previous injury...complications from one of the accidents that I have had to deal with...not what I wanted to hear, but she has been in my corner all these years and is very keen on what is happening with me.

Gotta' get this under control and take care of it. Gonna' have some training to catch up with this week, especially getting ready to travel to Gator Nationals on Friday.



  1. Don't let it bother you too much... Preventing yourself from further injury is very important in training, and you're doing a great job in both taking care to not injure yourself and still pushing yourself during your workouts.
    Keep up the good work!!!

  2. Take a day of rest and listen to your body ... your family is right on this - you don't want any further injury!! I will lift you up in prayer today for a speedy recovery from whatever this is!
