Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Energized by the Weather and Visualization

It is bright and warm today...unlike yesterday which was overcast, and even very stormy at some points (hail, rain, high winds, tornadoes...i think that constitutes very stormy). What I find inspiring is that I am able to get really energized by the weather, no matter what it is outside...

When the winds were kicking yesterday, it was like I could feel it's power and just imagined I had that kind of power to push me through hard times in training. The rain was refreshing...the red skies at sunset after everything calmed were awe-inspiring. I sat outside for a while and just watched the slow change in the sky as the sun went down...Powerful!

Today I practiced a Kata outside in the full was empowering. I focused a lot more on my breath while slowly stepping through each movement. That may sound simple, but it is not! Anyone who seriously trains using Kata (forms) knows that they can be as intense as any other workout all to themselves. I relaxed a bit by the water doing some visualization exercises and stretching a bit later.

I didn't go all out as I am almost finished with detoxing nutritionally. Detox can physically weaken you for a bit, and I don't want to overdo it physically and crash during this time. Workouts will become more and more intense over the next few days as I build up to training as though I was training for a day-long Black Belt test! WooHoo!

Thanks for hanging with me here and through other sites. I appreciate your encouragement! Spread the word...

P.S. - the midnight bike ride last night with Michael was refreshing too...i love the stillness when biking at that time.

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