I spent some time doing quite a bit of "mental" training this weekend in addition to my physical training. As a certified life coach and hypnotist, one of the things I know better is to focus as much if not more on the mental side of daily training. The past couple of weeks, I must admit, I let that slip slightly. So, this weekend I took some time to unpack a lot mentally and zero back in on my mental disciplines. All I can say is clarity of thought and mind feels sooooo much better! It is extremely empowering to live each day with a heightened sense of discernment, insight, and vision.
I would encourage you to focus on your mental game as well.
One of the things I revisited during this time was my personal set of core values. It's good from time to time to open those up and find out where you are on a scale from 1 to 10 with regards to your values and how you can improve during the next season of your life.
I have a set of 10 values that directly speak to and about my life, and that I try to live out each and every day. One of the ten is "Inspiration".
Simply, I want to live an inspired life. I want to inspire others and continually allow myself to be inspired by others and by the creation around me. Lately I have talked with some people who have been following me on this quest and I have discovered they, too, have found inspiration from this quest and have embarked on things like daily exercise or simply trying to eat healthier. Every time I hear of things like that, my inspiration levels go way up.
Even my wife has been inspired lately by the changes she is seeing in my physical progress. She told me a couple of times this weekend that I looked slimmer, and she even used the word "sleek" one time :) AND she told me, "Your arms are getting freakin' huge!" Us guys like to hear that, by the way. It certainly made me feel better about my progress! :) :)
It's always good to give and receive compliments. Try it out today and encourage someone...inspire them. In return expect to be encouraged yourself, even inspired by the beauty and wonder all around you!
In the meantime, realize we are closing in on the final 30 days here. This is a crucial stretch of time moving into the training and preparation. I am excited and have a great sense of victory in all of this!